Arriving at University of Queensland |
7:00am-8:50am - wake up, get ready and set off to school
9:00am-11:00am - First lecture (The professor is early, so we turn up 4min before lecture, and it looks like we are late)
11:00am-11:15am - Morning Tea
At this point, I have to pause because Morning Tea is something worth noting about. Ever since we arrived in Aussie, there is this 15-20min break between classes to get our morning tea. Ins't that fancy? Its actually great. There is tea, coffee, cupcakes, fruits, juice, biscuits and what have you for the break. We get to hang out and chill with the professors and other travel mates. Its that awesome, and then we get to go back and continue with class. Think I might want to adopt this kind of life when I get back to college, Morning Tea....hmm :-).
Afterwards, we had class again, and the schedule continued as follows:
11:15am-1:00pm - lecture time
1:00pm - 3:00pm - lunch (btw its incredible long and fun, you can take a nap, or visit the international programs office for a coffee break or just chill and update friends and family about your travels)
3:00-5:00pm - lecture
And thus, we are done with our day of school before we head home, or off to some other non-school related activities. For the first day of class, I think that is pretty awesome, and I enjoyed the subject of the lecture today: Coastal Resource Management - Why do we do it? Well, if I were to evaluate the first day of any class I have ever had, I would say this one would be quite high on my list of awesome first days! Its been a great day today in The Land down Under!!!